Welcome to ROCKS Water
No slick slogans or tricky words. We are located in the mountains just above Boise. Our natural spring is located just outside my window where I am typing this. The water flows to our holding tanks then into the bottles we provide to our satisfied customers. There's nothing else like it around. Try it and taste the difference.
Available Sizes

.5 L (16.9 oz), 1 Liter, 1 Gal, 5 Gal
12 July 2012
Over 35,000 Bottles
Shanghai China here we come! BIG first order...keep your fingers crossed that they will like our water like we do! Now onto the label translation...
17 September 2011
A Curious Nomenclature
Did you know that when we use "Idaho" in our name that we really mean our water is from Idaho? Imagine that some water companies can use "Idaho" in their name and the only thing that comes from Idaho is the tap water. One site reads:
"Purified Drinking Water - This water has been treated with a 7 stage filtration and purification process that removes chlorine and minerals, leaving only pure water with a clean, crisp taste." Yup. Idaho tap water run through a filter. Well, we wouldn't call it clean and crisp. We would call it tasteless with no body. All the good stuff is taken out (except the chlorine of course)!
They can even say it is "Spring" water, but where is the spring? Could it be Oregon and not Idaho? Quote from one site:
"Natural Spring Water - This water is pure and natural from the source. It contains the natural minerals your body needs. Ideal for those who prefer the natural taste of spring water." Ever think how much it costs to ship water to a plant to have it bottled? We thought about it - well not really. Our water flows out of the side of our mountain - we own the land and the water rights. It flows by gravity to our holding tanks then straight into the bottling equipment.
ROCKS Natural Idaho Spring Water is what is says it is. It flows out of the ROCKS; It is Natural and Spring per FDA standards (you can't call it that unless it really meets the definition); and it really is from IDAHO!
"Purified Drinking Water - This water has been treated with a 7 stage filtration and purification process that removes chlorine and minerals, leaving only pure water with a clean, crisp taste." Yup. Idaho tap water run through a filter. Well, we wouldn't call it clean and crisp. We would call it tasteless with no body. All the good stuff is taken out (except the chlorine of course)!
They can even say it is "Spring" water, but where is the spring? Could it be Oregon and not Idaho? Quote from one site:
"Natural Spring Water - This water is pure and natural from the source. It contains the natural minerals your body needs. Ideal for those who prefer the natural taste of spring water." Ever think how much it costs to ship water to a plant to have it bottled? We thought about it - well not really. Our water flows out of the side of our mountain - we own the land and the water rights. It flows by gravity to our holding tanks then straight into the bottling equipment.
ROCKS Natural Idaho Spring Water is what is says it is. It flows out of the ROCKS; It is Natural and Spring per FDA standards (you can't call it that unless it really meets the definition); and it really is from IDAHO!
16 September 2011
TV Commercial by Bosie Co-Op
LIKE us on Facebook!
Search for Rocks Natural Idaho Spring Water on FB...hope you "LIKE" it!
15 September 2011
5 Gallon Water Delivery
Contact us for your 5 Gallon water needs. Being the retired Marines that we are, we believe in the "KISS" rule: "Keep It Simple Stupid." Yes the new politically correct way to say it would be "Keep it Simple Sweetheart," but like I said, we are retired Marines, not kittens. Or maybe we just "don't know no better!" So here it is:
1. Your location and volume used will determine your price. We won't make you sign any contracts (unless you want to make payments on a cooler, but that is up to you because...)
2. You can use your own cooler, crock or pump. We can help you find one.
This is one option for a hot and cold dispenser for your home or office.
We offer this attractive stainless steel model for $265.
It has a two year warranty. We can order it for you and set it up as well.
You could pay for it at once, or make 10 payments of $26.50 each, autopay
on credit card.
Our 5 Gal Bottles are one of the few in the area (or maybe the only ones?)
3. We deliver to the Treasure Valley area and Sun Valley regularly. We prefer to deliver about 10 jugs at a time to make it worthwhile, but if there are others in your area we can deliver less. One favorite customer, Walter, gets a bunch at a time and stores them in his garage. He started off getting them for his own family use, but after friends and neighbors heard about us, they asked him to get our water for them as well. Cool. We deliver to businesses as well. If you are really interested, call Scott at 343-3801. He will help you figure it out and give you the best price possible.
1. Your location and volume used will determine your price. We won't make you sign any contracts (unless you want to make payments on a cooler, but that is up to you because...)
2. You can use your own cooler, crock or pump. We can help you find one.
This is one option for a hot and cold dispenser for your home or office.
We offer this attractive stainless steel model for $265.
It has a two year warranty. We can order it for you and set it up as well.
You could pay for it at once, or make 10 payments of $26.50 each, autopay
on credit card.
Our 5 Gal Bottles are one of the few in the area (or maybe the only ones?)
that are made of PET plastic (recycle "1"). This plastic does not leach any weird chemicals into your drinking water, which leaves you with a fresh, clean, untouched
Mountain Spring Water at your fingertips.
3. We deliver to the Treasure Valley area and Sun Valley regularly. We prefer to deliver about 10 jugs at a time to make it worthwhile, but if there are others in your area we can deliver less. One favorite customer, Walter, gets a bunch at a time and stores them in his garage. He started off getting them for his own family use, but after friends and neighbors heard about us, they asked him to get our water for them as well. Cool. We deliver to businesses as well. If you are really interested, call Scott at 343-3801. He will help you figure it out and give you the best price possible.
- Also note, we are trying to get our 5 Gallon into the Boise Co-op. I already talked to the manager, Ken, who seemed very interested. If you'd like to pick up your water at the Co-op, PLEASE ASK THEM to start carrying us at the customer service desk! You could bring in your empty and switch it out for a full.
- Stinker Stations have also expressed interest in our water, but have been slow to make a move. PLEASE ASK THEM to carry it if that would be convenient for you!
- Bottom Line: if your favorite store does not carry ROCKS water, PLEASE ASK THEM! If they get enough requests, they will be more likely to carry us.
14 September 2011
13 September 2011
Private Labeling
Private Labeling means that we put your logo on our water! We now have the capability to provide this service to our customers. We have provided private labels to Key Bank and Carl's Cycle. We are proud to announce a new partnership of private labels with the Owyhee Plaza!
These are some private labes that we did for Channel 6!
30 September 2010
Study Indicates Kids Don't Drink Enough Water
"Children in the United States are not drinking as much water as they should, and the deficiency can have far-reaching implications, a new study suggests. 'Even mild dehydration can affect physiological function, and cause fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches and dry mouth,' said Samantha Heller, clinical nutrition coordinator at the Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Conn., who was not involved in the study."
18 June 2010
06 April 2010
Sometimes You Gotta Laugh!
On our recent trip to Las Vegas my daughter and I had to play tourist and visit "Pawn Stars" pawn shop (the real name is "Gold and Silver Pawn"). We are posing with Chum Lee. Of course none of our cousins in Vegas knew anything about the show. Go figure. I did not have any gold to offer him - just this bottle of "blue gold" from Idaho!
27 January 2010
January Scenery at ROCKS Water
You can barely see the overflow running to the left of the hole. It was completely covered until some ambitous people wanting to filltheir jugs shoveled out a path!
09 December 2009
25 October 2009
Water drinkers may have better diets
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who get much of their daily liquids from plain water rather than other beverages may have healthier diets overall, a study suggests. Using data from a national health survey of more than 12,000 Americans, researchers found that people who drank more "plain water" tended to eat more fiber, less sugar and fewer calorie-dense foods.
The reverse was true of people who got much of their fluids from other beverages, according to a report of the study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The findings do not prove that drinking water makes for healthier eaters, said lead researcher Dr. Ashima K. Kant, a professor at Queens College of the City University of New York.
But, she told Reuters Health, they do suggest a connection -- and a reason to encourage people to choose water over beverages.
The findings are based on 12,283 Americans age 20 and older who took part in a government health and nutrition survey between 1999 and 2006. On average, respondents got one-third of their daily fluids from water, 48 percent from other beverages and the rest from food.
In general, the more water people drank, the more fiber and the less sugar they consumed. They also had a lower intake of calorie-dense foods -- a general marker of a healthier diet. Calorie density refers to the amount of calories in a food in relation to its weight; fruits and vegetables, for instance, tend to have a low calorie density.
From a "purely physiological" standpoint, Kant noted, people can get their fluid needs from any source. Drinking plain water, therefore, is not necessary, but it may be preferable, she said.
As for how much water a person should drink, there is no straightforward answer -- despite the popular belief that people need 8 glasses of water per day.
As a general rule of thumb, Kant said, sedentary healthy adults can let their thirst be their guide on when to drink.
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009.
Last Updated: 2009-10-13 13:20:59 -0400 (Reuters Health)
By Amy Norton
The reverse was true of people who got much of their fluids from other beverages, according to a report of the study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The findings do not prove that drinking water makes for healthier eaters, said lead researcher Dr. Ashima K. Kant, a professor at Queens College of the City University of New York.
But, she told Reuters Health, they do suggest a connection -- and a reason to encourage people to choose water over beverages.
The findings are based on 12,283 Americans age 20 and older who took part in a government health and nutrition survey between 1999 and 2006. On average, respondents got one-third of their daily fluids from water, 48 percent from other beverages and the rest from food.
In general, the more water people drank, the more fiber and the less sugar they consumed. They also had a lower intake of calorie-dense foods -- a general marker of a healthier diet. Calorie density refers to the amount of calories in a food in relation to its weight; fruits and vegetables, for instance, tend to have a low calorie density.
From a "purely physiological" standpoint, Kant noted, people can get their fluid needs from any source. Drinking plain water, therefore, is not necessary, but it may be preferable, she said.
As for how much water a person should drink, there is no straightforward answer -- despite the popular belief that people need 8 glasses of water per day.
As a general rule of thumb, Kant said, sedentary healthy adults can let their thirst be their guide on when to drink.
SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009.
Last Updated: 2009-10-13 13:20:59 -0400 (Reuters Health)
By Amy Norton
23 October 2009
Personalized Water Bottles for your next event or to promote your business!
Personalized Water Bottles (also called Private Labels or Custom Labels) mean that you can get our superb water with YOUR label on it! We have produced these for schools, fundraisers, insurance agents, real estate agents, hotels, catering, a pharmecy, a VFW post, businesses, weddings and even birthdays! Our minimum order is only a case because I have a handy-dandy LX400 Label Printer right here in my office. You can submit your own artwork or we can help create one for you! We contract out for larger quantities because it usually saves you money. We provide personalized quotes based on quantity required and complexity of the artwork (although we usually don't charge for plates or artwork). If you need large quantities and storage is a problem, we can order the labels and keep them on hand. You only need to order what you need, when you need them and we store your labels here. Ballpark prices range from .54 cents to .99 cents per bottle. This includes the bottles, water, case & wrapping. Free delivery to the Treasure Valley/Boise areas. We would estimate best shipping to other locations. The best one to call or email is ME - Angie West (208)343-3801 and I will work hard to make you happy. We haven't missed a deadline yet!
17 September 2009
Here is a sample of what we just did for Ladd Pharmecy. These are some really fantastic people. If you have not met them, you should. They do so much more than fill prescriptions. And they are a local business just like we are. Think local first. The Ladds did this bottle to hand out to Bronco fans as they pass by their store for refreshment and advertising.
Here is another one we just did for a great golf club. See how cool your label can be with a photograph? It costs a little more, but it was worth it in this case. They were all fighting to grab a bottle of water with their pics on it.

This picture tells a lot more than what you can see at first glance. First there is the old white and red sign that read "The ROCKS Lodge" for over 35 years, which now reads "ROCKS Water." Under it is Scott's Sheriff's deputy car. Yes, in addition to running the operations end of ROCKS Water, he serves as a deputy in Boise County. Lastly on the back of the forklift driver, it reads "ROCKS water ROCKS!" It is true. Try it and taste the difference.
Here is PROOF that Albertsons really did pick up the first order from us! Many of the Albertsons stores have already sold out, while there are still some stores that have not put us on the shelves yet. So if you can't find us in your Albertsons store (in the Northwest region), please ask the store manager for ROCKS Water! We are supposed to be there and want you to buy it when you see it! Thanks!

14 September 2009
Where did the name ROCKS come from?
We had the priviledge of sponsoring a booth at the "Taste of Idaho" last weekend. What a fun event that was. If you missed it this year, watch for it next year! Scott and I got to meet a ton of people. We answered many great questions about our water such as, "Where did the name ROCKS come from?" The most obvious answer to this, if you know our location, is that we are located on about 4 acres of black basalt rock. If you cruise through some of our pictures below, you will see rocks in the background of many pictures - or in the case of Channel 2, we were climbing all over them to get a good shot (...and no I have never seen a snake around here!) "The Rocks Lodge" is the name that Dick Thomas picked when he established the lodge and tavern in 1969. I think he tried to name it something like "Rocks Spigot and Beanery" since we found an old sign to that effect. But I am sure he chose Rocks because of our location. He is one of the old timers (who passed away here at the Rocks in 2007 - which is another story) who passed down the story of the two miners (written on every bottle and is written on the right of this blog). So there you have it. ROCKS water runs out of the side of the mountain and emerges from the black basalt rocks on our property. I can see the spring box out of my office window as I write this. It really is local. It really is fresh. It really is natural. Nothing added, nothing taken out. That's why ROCKS Water ROCKS!
06 March 2009
NEW! Gallon Jugs now available
We now have gallon size jugs available. This size is especially convenient for home use or camping! I got a call yesterday from a friend of ours who is suffering from cancer and has to use a feeding tube. The nurse at the hospital told him not to use tap water but rather, "why don't you use that good ROCKS Water near where you live?" So we will be providing him with all the water he needs until he gets well.
Coming soon: sports caps and 20 oz sizes.
Coming soon: sports caps and 20 oz sizes.
25 October 2008
Please Recycle!

12 June 2008
Water hits the Boise Co-op
27 May 2008
Positive Arcticle in Idaho Statesman

We could not ask for a better article published in the Life section of April 17th's paper:
Thank you Tim! And thank you Darin who took the photo that made us look 10 years younger and 20 lbs thinner!
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